Nick Norton is a composer and musician from Los Angeles. You're on his blog, and Lindsey Best took this photo.

Nick's blog

Writing about music and other things by composer Nick Norton

On Writing Elegies


I Care If You Listen

Nick Norton is a composer and musician from Los Angeles. You're on his blog, and Lindsey Best took this photo.

Nick's Blog

Writing about music and other things by composer Nick Norton


DONATING = LOVING a phrase I borrowed from Amanda Palmer that she borrowed from Maria Popova. I really like what it means though. I put a lot into my work and want to share it with you for free. If you enjoy what I do and want to give me some help for my time and effort, THANK YOU. You can get me back using this little form: a phrase I borrowed from Amanda Palmer that she borrowed from Maria Popova. I really like what it means though. I put a lot into my work and want to share it with you for free. If you enjoy what I do and want to give me some help for my time and effort, THANK YOU. You can get me back using this little form:

Buy Nick a coffee?

You Rock wdgk loader image

Buy Nick a coffee?

You Rock wdgk loader image

Nick's Instagram